Pesto Pita Pizza With Tomato and Avocado Salad

I know I have said this before, but this week's meal is REALLY easy. Compared to my normal fare, I am totally Rachael Ray-ifying tonight's dinner.

This is a good summertime recipe for warm days, or for when you get home from work and want to fix something that is quick.

Once again, the ingredients are easy and natural, and unless you are crazy you will like this recipe and use it over and over.

- 1 large pita (such as King of Pita Bakery, pictured below)
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 1 clove garlic
- 3/4 cup pesto
- Fresh mozzarella
- 3-4 fresh mushrooms
- A few dashes crushed red pepper
- 1/2 avocado
- Fresh grated Parmesan (PLEASE not the stuff in the green shaker -- buy a fresh block!!)
- 1 bottle red wine

While you can use store-bought pesto, there is no replacement for the real thing in the summertime. I won't go into how to make it here, but it is essentially a combination of basil, pine nuts, garlic and olive oil. Further, if you would rather not have this spicy, simply omit the crushed red pepper.

Pour a glass of wine, put on some music, preheat the oven to 425, and it's time to get to work ...

First, mince garlic and chop mushrooms. Cut one tomato and the fresh mozzarella into slices (about 4 each). Add crushed red pepper to pesto and stir well.

Next, spread the pesto over the pita -- this is your pizza sauce. Make you sure cover it well, almost to the edges. Then, arrange toppings -- tomato and fresh mozzarella slices, minced garlic and mushrooms in typical pizza fashion.

Place in over and bake for 15 minutes, or until mozzarella slices begin to brown.

While that is cooking, prepare the salad. Cube avocado half and other tomato, and place mixed pieces on a small plate. You could play with the presentation options here; I cubed my avocado half but kept the shape of it, and then placed the tomatoes around it. When your pizza comes out of the oven, grate fresh Parmesan on top of the salad.

Let your pizza cool for about 2 minutes, and then slice four ways. Because the pita crust is thin, one pizza is enough for one person, though depending how hungry you are, you may have a slice leftover.

Pour another glass of wine and enjoy.

Tonight's music: Dave Brubeck's Greatest Hits, Kostelanetz Plays Gershwin, and Chris Squire's Fish Out Of Water.

Technology Tip: have you ever needed to share large files with others, but weren't able to attach them to an email message because of the size? Well, there is a great service called ( that enables users to create 'file drops' that are accessible either publicly or via password. Further, the drop automatically creates a voicemail and fax number, as well as a conference call number. The service is free up to 100 MB a drop, and there are no limits to the number of drops you can create. In addition, you can pay to get enhanced services such as larger drop capacities and site statistics.


This looks so tasty and comforting. I like your use of the "RachaelRayism" all that was missing was a picture of you taking a bit of something that was way too big to eat :)
Thanks for the Tech Tip too. I just encountered this problem today and now I have a solution!

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